Racket Libraries
Table of Contents
1 Drawing libraries
- metapict: https://github.com/soegaard/metapict
- rosetta: https://github.com/aptmcl/rosetta/tree/master
- this one is for design 2/3d models, and seems broken and not in official support.
- 2htdp/image: in teachpack
- racket/draw: bare-bone, object-oriented, not so interesting
- pict-lib pict: this one is pretty good, functional. It was in slideshow
2 pict-lib
2.1 Constructors
- text
- hline, vline
- frame
- ellipse, circle, filled-ellipse, disk
- rectangle, filled-rectangle
- rounded-rectangle
- filled-rounded-rectangle
- bitmap: read a bitmap image
- arrow, arrowhead
Use pin to create lines connecting picts
- pin-line, pin-arrow-line, pin-arrows-line: add lines onto a pict. It finds positions in the src and dst picts, and can set angle to create curve
2.1.1 More constructors
- cloud
- file-icon
- standard-fish
- jack-o-lantern
- angel-wing
- desktop-machine
- thermometer
- face, face*
Balloon annotation
- wrap-balloon
- pin-wrap-balloon
- pin-balloon
- balloon
- filled-flash
- outline-flash
- typeset-code
- code
- define-code
- code-align: align code with pict
- codeblock-pict: a block of code, seems to respect #lang option inside the code string, to decide lexer
code parameters
- current-code-font
- current-code-tt
- current-code-line-sep
- current-comment-color
- current-keyword-color
- current-id-color
- current-literal-color
- current-const-color
- current-base-color
- current-reader-forms: this should be able to define language
- current-keyword-list
- current-const-list
- current-literal-list
- code-colorize-enabled
- code-italic-underscore-enabled
- code-scripts-enabled
2.2 Combiners
- various of append
- syntax: v and h, then alignment
- vl, vc, vr, ht, htl, hc, hbl, hb
- v and h for vertical and horizontal
- t,b for top, bottom
- l,c,r for left, center, right
- superimpose
- Syntax: horizontal alignment, vertical alignment
- lt,ltl,lc,lbl,lb,ct,ctl,cc,cbl,cb,rt,rtl,rc,rbl,rb
- l,c,r for left, center, and right
- t,b for top and bottom
- pin
- pin-over
- pin-under
- table
2.3 Adjusters
- scale, scale-to-fit, scale/improve-new-text
- rotate
- ghost: does not draw (invisible), but use the size
- cellophane: make is semi-transparent
- clip, inset/clip
- freeze: to bitmap
The followings can be used to specify parameters
- linewidth
- linestyle
- colorize
- black-and-white
2.4 Bounding box
- inset
- clip-decent
- lift-above-baseline
- drop-below-ascent
- baseless
- refocus: focus on the top most sub-pict
- panorama: enclose all sub-picts
- use-last, use-last*
2.5 Pict finder
- with -find suffix
- lt,ltl,lc,lbl,lb,ct,ctl,cc,cbl,cb,rt,rtl,rc,rbl,rb
2.6 Tree layout
tree-layout creates a layout containing edges. The layout can be rendered to pict by
- naive-layered (seems to be good)
- binary-tidier
- hv-alternating
3 graph
This is a generic graphic library. graph is defined through a generic
interface gen:graph
, supporting the following methods:
- has-vertex?
- has-edge?
- vertex=?
- add-vertex!
- remove-vertex!
- rename-vertex!
- add-edge!
- remove-edge!
- get-vertices
- in-vertices
- get-neighbors
- in-neighbors
- get-edges
- in-edges
- edge-weight
- transpose
- graph-copy
- graph-union!
This actually is mostly not functional.
To construct a graph, use directed-graph
or undirected-graph
list of edges represented as list of vertex, with first being the
source, rest being target. These functions seems only support single
The library let you define vertex and edge properties, just like those in boost library. You can do bfs or dfs, shortest path, graph coloring, maximum flow.
Finally, you can call graphviz
to convert the graph to a string of
dot format. It cannot output a pict
4 2htdp/image
This is teachpack of How to design program version 2. It provides several basic images, rotation, scale, flip, overlay.
Other interesting packages in this pack:
- 2htdp/planetcute contains many images
4.1 Common Concepts
The length is measured in terms of pixels, angle means degree. When using names, both string and symbol are acceptable, and case-insensitive.
Mode can be 'solid
or 'outline
. The string format is also
supported. Solid fills, outline only draws the outside line. A integer
between 0 and 255 instead will indicate the transparency.
Color can be name or color structure. If the name is not recognized,
no error is reported, and black is used. The complete list (plus
) is in the document of color-database<%>
. This is an
interface, defined in racket/draw
The color structure is
(struct color (red green blue alpha))
In many places, the color also accepts a pen. pen
is a structure. It
seems only for drawing lines, so outline mode will support it. Its
definition is
(struct pen (color width style cap join))
- style
- solid, dot, long-dash, short-dash, dot-dash
- cap
- round, projecting, butt
- join
- round, bevel, miter
When doing alignment, you can use pinhole, only if all the images have a pinhole. You can add pinhole to image by
- center-pinhole image
- put-pinhole x y image
- clear-pinhole
And retrieve pinhole by
- pinhole-x
- pinhole-y
4.2 basic shape
- shape
(circle radius mode color)
(ellipse width height mode color)
- triangle
(triangle side-length mode color)
- right-triangle
- isosceles-triangle
- triangle/sss
- square x
- rectangle x y
- rhombus x θ
- star
- star x
- star-polygon
- radial-star
- polygon
- regular-polygon
- polygon
- add-polygon
- scene+polygon
- line
(line x y color)
: draw a line from (0,0) to (x,y).(add-line image x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
: add line to image, from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)add-curve
- text
(text string font-size color)
: this will use a complete font specification, including- face: which font name
- family: default, script, modern, etc
- style: normal, italic
- weight: normal, bold, light
- underline?: #t #f
4.3 Overlay
accepts a sequence of images, with the first being on top. Images are aligned on their center.overlay/align x-place y-place
controls where to align the images.- x: left, right, middle, center, pinhole
- y: top, bottom, middle, center, baseline, pinhole
overlay/offset i1 x y i2
: moves i2 by (x,y) compared to (0,0), thus to down rightoverlay/align/offset
combines both optionsoverlay/xy
: what's the difference from offset?overlay/pinhole
There's also an underlay
version that does the reverse order, for
all above.
accepts images, and placing them in horizontal row, aligned on their centersbeside/align y
: in a vertical rowabove/align x
4.4 scene
Typically you place images on a scene. If an image is placed (using those place functions) or add lines (using scene+XXX) on scene, it is cropped based on the size of scene. You can still compose the image by overlay or add-line, but those does not respect the size of scene.
empty-scene x y color
place-image image x y scene
: the (x,y) is according to the top-left corner of sceneplace-image/align image
: just a list of images and a list of positionsplace-images/align
: add a line to the scenescene+curve
4.5 transform
rotate angle image
scale factor image
: using different factor for x and yflip-horizontal image
flip-vertical image
crop x y width height image
frame image
: return an image with a black frame around the bounding box of the it. Even if the image might be a circle, the bounding box is still rectangle.color-frame color image
4.6 bitmap
You can load a bit map file by (bitmap filename)
, or (bitmap/url
to download from web. For a vector image you created in racket,
you can "freeze" it to bitmap by freeze image
Finally, you can save image to file by
save-image image filename [width height]
: pngsave-svg-image image filename [width height]
: svg
4.7 properties
- image-width
- image-height
- image-baseline
5 Networking
5.1 HTML parsing
The package is html-parsing
. It has only one function, html->xexp
The xexp is a list like this:
(*TOP* (html (head (title) (title "whatever")) (body "\n" (a (@ (href "url")) "link"))))
The xexp needs to use sxml
(needs install) package to
parse. sxpath
is a function for XPath like query. Use like this
((sxpath '(html body table tr td a @ (*or* href title))) table)
sxpath itself returns a function, apply that function on an xexp data, a list will be returned for matched results.
- the xexp must begin with
, the query result will not have it. So if you want to parse it again, construct it by`(*TOP* ,x)
- the xpath starts from root (html)
- you can use
'(// table)
to query tables at arbitrary level
5.2 URL & HTTP
require the package net/url
(needs install) and
. First, construct a url by string->url
, then, open
input port by get-pure-port
, this is using GET
method. The port
can be used as input, e.g. port->string
. How to download binary
file, like pdf? It should be bytes streaming, so maybe
- copy-port in out
- port->bytes then write-bytes
The call/input-url URL connect handle
will call handle on the port,
and close the port on return. The connect is a procedure,
e.g. get-pure-port