Table of Contents
1 Reference
- Swipl tutorial:
- Swipl library
2 Syntax
- the varaible starts with Upper case or underscore
- lower case means string literal
- underscore means anonymous varaible
- functor must be followed directly by brace, no space
foo (a)
- ends with dot(.)
2.1 Control
maxlist([], 0). maxlist([H|T],Max) :- maxlist(T,MaxT), (H>MaxT -> Max is H ; Max is MaxT).
If combined with other clauses, the parenthesis is must.
2.2 IS
If you want to use the inference feature, you cannot use the =
to do equivalent checking. Instead, use the OutputVar is
3 Emacs
C-c C-c r
: eval region
4 library
5 Logic Theory
5.1 Precision and Recall
Scenario: there are a set of correct and incorrect items, we want to retrieve all the correct ones.
- Precision: \(\frac{\text{retrieve correct}}{\text{all retrieve}}\)
- Recall: \(\frac{\text{retrieve correct}}{\text{all correct}}\)
5.2 Syllogism (syllogistic reasoning)
- a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two or more propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true.
- Example
- P1: All men are mortal.
- P2: Socrates is a man.
- Conclusion: Therefore Socrates is mortal.
5.3 Propositional Logic
- proposition: a statement or assertion that express a judgement
- Format:
- Premise 1: \(P \rightarrow Q\)
- Premise 2: \(P\)
- Conclusion: \(Q\)
- Examples
- Premise 1: If it's raining then it's cloudy.
- Premise 2: It's raining.
- Conclusion: It's cloudy.
5.4 First order logic
- Definition
- Use Qualifiers
- for all
- there exists
- Can Use Variables
- Use Qualifiers
- Example
- Propositional Logic: Socrates is a man
- First Order Logic: there exists X such that X is Socrates and X is a man
- \(\exists X (X \in Socrates) \cup (X \in man)\)
5.5 High order logic
- first order logic + additional qualifiers
- Nested qualifiers
- \(\forall x(\exists y((f(x)=y)\land(\neg(g(y)=y))))\)
5.6 Horn Clause
- clause is a disjunction of many predicates.
- horn clause is a clause with at most one positive literal
- dual-horn clause is a clause with at most one negated literal
- definite clause is a horn clause with exactly one positive
- if they all hold, then it holds
- fact is a definite clause with no negative literal (i.e. it only
has one literal)
- assume it holds
- goal clause is a horn clause without positive literal
- show everyone holds