Table of Contents
1 Installation
To see what is your tex home:
kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME
It should be something like "~/texmf". Putting class and style file into correct path inside that folder will enable global usage of the class. check whether it works or not:
kpsewhich sig-alternate-05-2015.cls
Typically you don't need to update database, but if you want,
Command to update the ls-R
2 Literals
2.1 Symbols
- alpha beta
(ℓ)- spacing
(\qquad)- logic
(∃)- arrow
(\longrightarrow)- accents
(\vec{x})- math
( \ldots )\frac{a}{b}
(\overline{abc})- mark
2.2 Font size
It can be used after table environment
\begin{table} \small % .. \end{table}
In org mode:
#+ATTR_LATEX: :font \small
The different size reference
- tiny
- scriptsize
- footnotesize
- small
- normalsize
- large
- Large
- huge
- Huge
3 General Syntax
3.1 structure
3.1.1 enumerate
\begin{enumerate} \item xxx \item xxx \item xxx \end{enumerate}
3.1.2 itemize
\begin{itemize} \item like this, \item and like this. \end{itemize}
3.1.3 description
\begin{description} \item[Word] Definition \item[Concept] Explanation \item[Idea] Text \end{description}
3.2 table & figure
3.2.1 table
\begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{l|r} Item & Quantity \\\hline Widgets & 42 \\ Gadgets & 13 \end{tabular} \caption{\label{tab:widgets}An example table.} \end{table}
3.2.2 figure
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{frog.jpg} \caption{\label{fig:frog}This frog was uploaded to writeLaTeX via the project menu.} \end{figure}
`figure*` can make the figure two column
3.3 label & reference
\label{xxx} \ref{xxx} \label{xx:yy} \ref{xx:yy}
3.4 in-pdf comment
\todo{Here's a comment in the margin!} \todo[inline, color=green!40]{This is an inline comment.}
4 Beamer
#+AUTHOR: Hebi Li #+LATEX_CLASS: beamer #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation] #+BEAMER-FRAME-LEVEL: 2 #+BEAMER_THEME: Madrid #+OPTIONS: H:2 toc:nil num:t author:t #+LATEX_HEADER: \lstset{numbers=none,frame=shadowbox, basicstyle=\scriptsize, breaklines=true, basewidth={0.45em,0.3em}, stringstyle=\ttfamily}
- Madrid
- CambridgeUS
5 Packages
5.1 titlesec
5.2 geometry
The the default for LaTeX is to have no indent after sectional headings.
Thus the first paragraph will have no indent.
To indent it, \usepackage{indentfirst}
The default article
class has too much margin.
To change it:
%% this does not work %% the default should be 1in, 11pt %% \documentclass[a4paper, margin=1in, 11pt]{article} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{margin=1in}
5.3 fancyhdr
use headers and footers
\usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \rhead{573 HW1} \lhead{Hebi Li} \rfoot{Page \thepage} %% \lfoot{xxx} %% \cfoot{xxx}
5.4 qtree
The [
and ]
should be surrounded by spaces!
\usepackage{qtree} \Tree [ .S [ .S [ .S a ] [ .S a ] + ] [ .S a ] * ]
5.5 listings
5.5.1 Global setting:
\lstset{frame=single} \lstset{frame=trBL} % lowercase for single frame, upper case for double \lstset{frameround=fttt} % from upper right, clock-wise %% frame should not be too fancy \lstset{framextopmargin=50pt,frame=bottomline}
%% after using courier, the font here will be much better \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{courier} \lstset{basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily\bfseries,breaklines=true} \lstset{xleftmargin=0.4\linewidth} %% none, left \lstset{numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny} \lstset{stringstyle=\ttfamily} \lstset{keywordstyle=\color{black}\bfseries\underbar} % the keyword \lstset{showstringspaces=false} \lstset{showspaces=false, showtabs=false} % the annoying space indicators
\lstset{language=C} \lstset{emph={key1,word2}, emphstyle-\underbar} \lstset{emph={square}, emphstyle=\color{red} emph={[2]root,base}, emphstyle={[2]\color{blue}}} \lstset{morecomment=[s][\color{blue}]{/*+}{*/} % /*+ xxx */ will be in blue! morecomment=[s][\color{red}]{/*-}{*/}}
Style arbitrary content:
\lstset{escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}} \begin{lstlisting} (*@\color{red}everything here will be red@*) \end{lstlisting}
5.5.2 Local setting:
\begin{lstlisting}[float, caption=The caption] % using caption will cause the title be: "listing 1: xxx" \end{lstlisting}
title=this is title
- using title will remove the "listing 1:"
5.6 tikz
see tikz
5.7 ulem
- uline
- regular underline
- uuline
- double underline
- uwave
- wave
- sout
- strike out
- xout
- dense cross out
- dashuline
- dash
- dotuline
- dot
5.8 TODO pdfcomment
5.9 todonotes
% use the package \usepackage[textsize=footnotesize, color=green!0]{todonotes} % HACK: set length so that the paper can have better width for margin \setlength{\marginparwidth}{1.5cm} \todo[fancyline]{Here's a comment in the margin} \todo[noline]{comment} \todo[inline]{inline comment}
6 Bibliography
cite link (need to load a package like hyperref
or url
@misc{WinNT, title = {{MS Windows NT} Kernel Description}, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed: 2010-09-30} }