
Table of Contents

A separate racket-lib file describes some interesting libraries.

1 TODO racket blog

A lot of good reading, a good way to pass time.


2 Basic

2.1 Local binding

The local binding is established by let family. Apart from normal let, racket has a second form, known as named let.

(let proc-id ([id init-expr] ...) body ...+)

It first evaluates the init-exprs, the resulting values become arguments to an application of a procedure.

(lambda (id ...) body ...+)

Within the body, proc-id is bound to the procedure itself.

  (let fac ([n 10])
    (if (zero? n) 1
        (* n (fac (sub1 n)))))

2.2 require

require introduces bindings. It can only be used in two context, the top-level context, or the module context (in which it introduce module bindings).

To require a installed module, use (lib "rel-string"), and its widely used shorthand (require id) where id is the unquoted string.

When requiring a local file, use plain relative (to current directory) path in a string. The path should NOT start or end with a slash. It seems that the suffix is optional.

To use a absolute path, you have to use (file string), and expand-user-path is called, so you can use:

  • relative path
  • tide home directory
  • absolute path

The #lang is a shorthand.

#lang racket
decl ...
;; equivalent to
(module name racket
  decl ...)

Where name is the file name.

3 Black Magic


    (define syntax->keyword (compose1

4 Pattern Matching (racket/match)

The syntax:

  (match val-expr clause ...)

  clause = [pat [#:when cond-expr] body ...+]

cond-expr is in teh scope of pat (to have the bind or not??).

The clauses are checked one-by-one, and the body of first match will be in the tail position.

Pattern can be

  • _ to match anything and abandon it.
  • a single id which matches anything and bind to it. An ID can appear more than once, in which case the pattern is considered matching only if all of the bindings of ID are same.
    • e.g. (list a b a) will not match '(1 2 3), but will match '(1 2 1)
  • a list which binds to the destruction.
  • The quote can not be used to construct list of symbols, it will match verbatically instead. For that, use quasiquote, which supports the evaluation and splice-eval.
    • e.g. `(1 ,a ,b) will match '(1 2 3) with a and b bound.
  • hash-table can be used to match the key and values, Using ... in it means collect into a list.
    • e.g. (hash-table ("key1" a) ("key2" b)).
    • e.g. (hash-table (key val) ...) will match #hash(("a" . 1) ("b" . 2)), and key will be '("b" "a")
  • cons can be used to match pairs
  • struct-id can be used to match fields by position. Use (struct struct-id _) to match an instance of structure itself. E.g.
    • for structure (struct tree (val left right))
    • pattern (tree a (tree b _ _) _) will match
    • (tree 0 (tree 1 #f #f) #f)
    • with a bound to 0, b bound to 1
  • (and pat ...) is used to combine a list of patterns. The typical usage is (and id pat) where you can bind id and still check the pat against the entire value. or is also available but not that useful.
  • (? expr pat ...): combine a predicate and the and pattern. I.e. first, apply expr on the value to match, if #t, the additional pat are matched using the above and pattern.

There are some syntax sugar for matching:

  • (match-lambda clause ...): equivalent to (lambda (id) (match id clause ...))

5 Macros

Matthias Felleisen boils down macros into three main categories:

  1. Binding form
  2. Change order of evaluation
  3. Make DSLs

Different from common lisp where you have compile time and runtime, racket has the concept called level. The level 0 is roughly runtime, and level 1 is compile time. But there're also level -1 and level 2, 3, …, thus it is more general. But typically the first two levels are used.

When using racket syntax, you typically need to require the base library for it, by (require (for-syntax racket/base)).

Everything boils down to define-syntax and syntax-case. define-syntax is nothing fancy. It just define a binding, same as define, but the binding is in effect at level 1. Thus actually we typically still define it as a lambda expression, thus it has the shorthand to write argument (stx) in the same line. syntax-rules itself is a lambda expression surounding syntax-case. Thus second form does not use syntax-rules, but use syntax-case directly.

  (define-syntax foo
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((_ a ...) (printf "~a\n" (list a ...)))))
  ;; <=>
  (define-syntax (foo stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      (_ a ...)
      #'(printf "~a\n" (list a ...))))

syntax-case match a given syntax object against patterns, and return another syntax object. It is doing the transformation. You can actually do the transformation yourself, using sytax->datum, operates on it, and use datum->syntax to convert it back. So syntax-case just provides an easier way to do that, in the sense that you don't need to convert explicitly. Instead, you specify by position the argument, to match the datum, and construct a syntax object as a result.

  (syntax-case stx-expr (literal-id ...)
    [pattern result-expr] ...)

Note the result is result-expr, that means the expr is going to be executed, and the return value should be a syntax object.

  (define-syntax (foo stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ a b c)
       #'(if a b c)]))

See, stx is matched against the pattern (_ a b c), and destructed. a b c can then be used to construct the returned syntax object. Note, the return must be a syntax object, it replaces the (foo xxx) and be evaluated. The first is _ because we don't care about the leading identifier #'foo.

syntax-rules is a lambda expression, that calls syntax-case to return a syntax object. It is used to define multiple patterns and templates at one time. Note that the result is a "template" instead of "expr", meaning it is restricted: cannot run any code, merely return the template as if quoted. Thus when using syntax-rules, the result need not be quoted by syntax.

  (syntax-rules (literal-id ...)
    [(id . pattern) template] ...)
  ;; <=>
  (lambda (stx)
    (syntax-case stx (literal-id ...)
      [(generated-id . pattern) (syntax-protect #'template)] ...))

define-syntax-rule is shorthand for define-syntax and syntax-rules. The pattern is a list, the first is an identifier, the following are pattern variables that matches anything. The template is the constructed form to replace the old form. It is not quoted, because it uses syntax-rules to construct. All pattern variables will be replaced by the actual form.

  (define-syntax-rule (id . pattern) template)
  ;; <=>
  (define-syntax id
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(id . pattern) template]))

This is so constrained. The following is equivalent to the above:

  (define-syntax-rule (foo a b c)
    (if a b c))

with-syntax is often used to nest syntax. It is like let but is able to bind pattern variables.

(syntax-case <syntax> () [<pattern> <body>] ...)
(syntax-case (list stx-expr ...) () [(pattern ...) (let () body ...+)])
;; <=>
(with-syntax ([<pattern> <stx-expr>] ...) <body> ...+)

5.1 Reader

To understand how macro works, we need to know how the reader handles the program.

A datum is the basic output of a read. Datum can be compound, in which case the reader is recursively read the components. Some datums are interned by the reader, i.e. their values are always eq? when they are equal?. Such datums includes: symbols, keywords, strings, byte strings, regexps, characters, numbers.

Some special read notation:

  • #(1 2 3) for vectors
  • #s(struct-id 1 2 3) for prefab structure types. note that for complex structure, the print format is not intuitive.
  • #hash(("a" . 5) ("b" b)) for hash tables

5.2 Syntax Model

A syntax object is a simple racket value + scope set + phase level.

When require something, those functions are not visible in level 1. Thus if you want to use those when macro expands, you need (reqire (for-syntax racket/base)). Similarly, for-meta can be used to specify any number as shift level.

Similaryly, a top-level begin is not visible in macro, we need begin-for-syntax to bind variables to use at level 1.

Use these to expand a macro:

  • (expand top-level-form): fully expand
  • (expand-once top-level-form): expand only once

Here's an example from Racket Guide that implements call-by-reference

Should generate

(define (do-f get-a get-b put-a! put-b!)
  (define-get/put-id a get-a put-a!)
  (define-get/put-id b get-b put-b!)
  (swap a b))
(do-f (lambda () x)
      (lambda () y)
      (lambda (v) (set! x v))
      (lambda (v) (set! y v)))

The test code:

  (define-cbr (f a b)
    (swap a b))

  (let ([x 1] [y 2])
    (f x y)
    (list x y))

The actual implementation:

  (define-syntax-rule (define-get/put-id id get put!)
    (define-syntax id
       (lambda (stx)
         (syntax-case stx (set!)
           [id (identifier? (syntax id)) (syntax (get))]
           [(set! id e) (syntax (put! e))])))))

  (define-syntax-rule (define-cbr (id arg ...) body)
      (define-syntax id
        (syntax-rules ()
          [(id actual (... ...))
           (do-f (lambda () actual)
                 (... ...)
                 (lambda (v)
                   (set! actual v))
                 (... ...))]))
      (define-for-cbr do-f (arg ...)
        () ; explained below...

  (define-syntax define-for-cbr
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(define-for-cbr do-f (id0 id ...)
         (gens ...) body)
       (define-for-cbr do-f (id ...)
         (gens ... (id0 get put)) body)]
      [(define-for-cbr do-f ()
         ((id get put) ...) body)
       (define (do-f get ... put ...)
         (define-get/put-id id get put) ...

The define-for-cbr is pretty tricky, the following with-syntax is better:

  (define-syntax (define-for-cbr stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ do-f (id ...) body)
       (with-syntax ([(get ...) (generate-temporaries #'(id ...))]
                     [(put ...) (generate-temporaries #'(id ...))])
         #'(define (do-f get ... put ...)
             (define-get/put-id id get put) ...

5.3 Hygienic

A very good writing about syntax-case, and how to (NOT) write non-hygienic macros. http://blog.racket-lang.org/2011/04/writing-syntax-case-macros.html

  • a syntax object is a plain datum with some lexical context information
  • syntax->datum accepts one syntax object, and return the raw list
  • datum->syntax accepts one context syntax object to donor its context, and a plain datum to be converted.
  • scheme macro is hygienic, i.e.
    1. if it inserts a binding, it will be renamed through its lexical scope
    2. if it refers a free variable, it refers to the one in scope in which the definition of the macro happens.

Thus, to break the hygienic

(define-syntax (while stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ test body ...)
     (syntax-case (datum->syntax stx 'it) ()
       [it #'(let loop ()
               (let ([it test])
                 (when it
                   body ...

or using with-syntax to bind pattern variable:

(define-syntax (while stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ test body ...)
     (with-syntax ([it (datum->syntax stx 'it)])
       #'(let loop ()
           (let ([it test])
             (when it
               body ...

This is primarily used to introduce a binding that is visible to the outside world. It seems that syntax parameters can do that better.

6 Rackunit

Since racket has the test module concept, there needs no unit test framework. However, it seems that rackunit provides some predicate functions.

In racket, each file is a module with the file name as the module name. You can define a submodule using module* and module+. The former can only appear exactly once for each module, while the latter can appear multiple times, all of them concatenated into a single module as if using module*.

Thus, folks typically use module* to define a main module, which will be run by racket after the enclosing module by racket. module+ is used to define test modules, and will be executed by raco test command.

rackunit provides check APIs and also organize tests into cases and suites. A check is a simple check, like equality. A test case is a group of checks. If one of them fails, the following will not be executed, and the test case fails. A suite is a group of test cases, and has a name.

Check APIs (all of them accepts an optional message at the end):

  • check-eq?
  • check-not-eq?
  • check-equal?
  • check-not-equal?
  • check-pred pred v: check if apply pred on v will produce other than #f
  • check-= v1 v2 epsilon: |v1-v2| <= epsilon
  • check-true v: #t
  • check-false v: #f
  • check-not-flase v: not #f
  • check op v1 v2: generic form, op is (-> any any any)
  • fail: fail unconditionally, useful when developing to mark some tests

The following does not accept message, because they are straightforward:

  • check-match v pattern: check if v match pattern

test-begin expr ... is used to group exprs, while test-case name body ...+ accept a name for them, and get reported if test fails.

Test suites are not going to run by default. This allows you to specify which tests to run. There're text (run-tests in rackunit/text-ui) and gui (test/gui in rackunit/gui) interfaces to select tests. Create a suite using (test-suite name-expr test ...). The tests can be single check or a test case.

7 Numbers

  • /: provide the fraction if given two numbers, not to round it.
  • quotient n m: (truncate (/ n m))
  • remainder n m: seems that the result has the same sign with n
  • modulo n m: seems that the result has the same sign with m
  • add1
  • sub1
  • abs
  • max
  • min
  • gcd
  • lcm: least common multiple
  • round
  • floor
  • ceiling
  • truncate: towards 0
  • numerator
  • denominator


  • sqrt
  • expt e p: e to the power of p
  • exp z
  • log z [b (exp 1)]


  • random k: [0,k)
  • random min max: [min,max)
  • random-seed k

With racket/random:

  • random-sample seq n

8 Procedure

The define keyword can be used to bind a id to a variable, but most likely you are binding a procedure. So the syntax for arguments matters.

  (define (head args) body ...+)
  args = arg ... | arg ... . rest-id
  arg = arg-id
      | [arg-id default-expr]
      | keyword arg-id
      | keyword [arg-id default-expr]

Note how the rest-id are used to implement the ... by using one dot.

The context matters. In an internal-definition context, a define binds a local binding. At top level, it introduces top-level binding.

In application of procedures, apply will apply the procedure with content of the list as argument, thus the procedure must accept as many parameters as the length of list. The list is actually more flexible, i.e. collected using list*.

compose accepts one or more procedures, and composes them by applying one by one, and fold result into parameter to the next. The last procedure is applied first. There're two versions, compose allow arbitrary number of values to be passed between procedure calls, as long as the number of results and parameters match. compose1 restricts this to exactly one value.

9 Control Structure

  • if
  • (cond [test-expr then-body ...+] ...)
  (cond cond-clause ...)
  cond-clause = [test-expr then-body ...+]
              | [else then-body ...+]
              | [test-expr => proc-expr]
              | [test-expr]
  • and: A typically trick: (and (some expr) #t) to return a boolean value
    • if no expr, return #t
    • one expr, return its value in tail position.
    • Multiple exprs
      • if first eval to #f, return #f
      • otherwise recursive call with the rest of exprs in tail position.
  • test-expr => proc-expr: proc-expr must produce a procedure that accept exactly one argument, the result of test-expr is that argument. The value is returned.
  • test-expr without a body will return the result of test-expr. Not in tail position.
  • (case val-expr [(datum ...) then-body ...+] ...): if val-expr matches one of datum, execute the body
  • when
  • unless
  • (for ([id seq-expr] #:when guard-expr #:unless guard-expr) body)
  • for/list, for/vector, for/hash
  • for/and, for/or
  • for/sum, for/product
  • for/first, for/last
  • for/fold
  • for*: like for, but with implicit #:when #t between each pair. Thus all clauses are nested. for* also has the form of different return values.

10 String

The reading syntax of characters starts with #\, with following forms

ASCII name desc
0 #\null  
8 #\backspace  
9 #\tab \t
10 #\newline #\linefeed linefeed (\n), move cursor to next line
11 #\vtab  
12 #\page page break
13 #\return carriage return (\r), move cursor to begin
32 #\space  
127 #\rubout  
  #\<digit8>{3} Unicode for octal number
  #\<digit16>{1,4} Unicode for Hex
  #\<c> the single character

As a side note, windows use \r\n, Unix use \n, Mac OS use \r


  • make-string k [char]
  • string-length
  • string-ref
  • substring str start [end]
  • string-copy
  • string-append
  • string->list
  • list->string
  • string=?, string<?, ..
  • string-ci=?, …
  • string-upcase, string-downcase, string-titlecase, string-foldcase (normalize for different locale)

With racket/string:

  • string-join
  • string-replace
  • string-split
  • string-trim
  • string-contains? s contained
  • string-prefix? s prefix
  • string-suffix? s suffix

With racket/format:

  • ~a: accept a value, using display. It accepts several keyword arguments:
    • #:separator "": the function actually accepts multiple values, each of them is connected with separator
    • #:width
    • #:max-width
    • #:min-width
    • #:limit-marker "": if the string is longer than the width, use this as indication of "more".
    • #:align: (or/c 'left 'center 'right) = 'left
    • #:pad-string " ": when width is less than the specified width, this is used to pad
  • ~v: use print instead of display. Default separator is " ", default limit-marker is "…"
  • ~s: use write. Default separator is " ", default limit-marker is "…"

Byte string

  • make-bytes k [b]
  • bytes-length
  • bytes-ref
  • subbytes bstr start [end]
  • bytes-copy
  • bytes-append
  • bytes->list
  • list->bytes
  • bytes=?, …
  • bytes->string/utf-8
  • bytes->string/locale
  • bytes->string/latin-1
  • string->bytes/utf-8
  • string->bytes/locale
  • string->bytes/latin-1

11 Regular Expression

  • #rx"xxx": regular expression
  • #px"xxx": perl regular expression


  • regexp-quote: generate a regular expression string that match the string literally
  • regexp-match pattern input [start-pos end-pos]: find the pattern in the input. and return a list containing the result (only one). If no match, return #f. If has capture group, return the match and all captured group.
  • regexp-match*: match multiple times, return list of results. #:match-select accepts a procedure (defaults to car). Examples: values (all), cadr
  • regexp-match-position: like regexp-match, but return list of number pairs, each is a range of [start, end).
  • regexp-match?: return #t or #f
  • regexp-match-exact?: return #t only if entire content matches.
  • regexp-split pattern input: complement of regexp-match*
  • regexp-replace pattern input insert: replace the first match. Match can be referenced by using & (whole match), \0 (whole match), \n captured.
  • regexp-replace*: replace all
  • regexp-replaces input ([pat rep] ...): do regexp-replace* for each replacement in order, chained. Which means latter can operate on former.
  • regexp-replace-quote: produce string suitable to use as replacement (unquoting \ and &)

Input port specific:

  • regexp-try-match: like regexp-match, but if the input is a port, don't read the input on failure.
  • regexp-match-peek: do not read input ports on both failure and success
  • regexp-match-peek-positions: return positions
  • regexp-match-peek-immediate: non-blocking on input port
(regexp-match #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6")
;; '("x4" "4")
(regexp-match* #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6" #:match-select var) ; default
;; '("x4" "x6")
(regexp-match* #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6" #:match-select values) ; all
;; '(("x4" "4") ("x6" "6"))
(regexp-match* #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6" #:match-select cadr)
;; '("4" "6")

12 Pair, List, Vector

The variants tradition:

  • v: use eqv?
  • q: use eq?
  • f: accept and use a procedure

The APIs:

  • length
  • list-ref
  • list-tail
  • append
  • reverse
  • map, andmap, ormap
  • for-each
  • foldl, foldr
  • filter pred lst: return list with items that makes pred #t.
  • remove
  • sort
  • member, memf (using function): if found, return the tail list starting from the match
  • findf: like memf, but return just the matched element.
  • assoc v lst: the first element of lst whose car equal to v. E.g. (assoc 1 '((1 2) (3 4))) returns '(1 2). variants: assv, assq, assf

from racket/list

  • empty?
  • first
  • rest
  • second
  • last
  • list-update lst pos updater: the pos index is updated with (updater (list-ref lst pos))
  • list-set lst pos value
  • index-of lst v: return the index of the first v
  • index-where lst proc: use function
  • indexes-of, indexes-where: return all matches
  • take lst pos: take only the first pos elements
  • drop lst pos: same as list-tail
  • split-at lst pos: same as (values (take lst pos) (drop lst pos))
  • takef, dropf, splitf-at: take all the elements satisfying the function.
  • take-right, drop-right, split-at-right, and their f-version
  • list-prefix? l r: whether l is prefix of r
  • take-common-prefix l r
  • drop-common-prefix l r
  • split-common-prefix l r
  • flatten v
  • check-duplicates lst
  • remove-duplicates lst
  • partition prod lst: return two lists, with items that prod evaluates to #t and #f respectively. It is the same as
  (values (filter pred lst)
          (filter (negate pred) lst))
  • range end: [0,end)
  • range start end [step=1]
  • shuffle lst
  • combinations lst [size]: if size is given, return only combination of length size.
  • permutations lst
  • argmin proc lst: return the first elemnt in lst that minimize (proc elem)
  • argmax


  • vector-length
  • vector-ref
  • vector-set!: it makes sense to set a vector, because it takes constant time to access and update
  • vector->list
  • list->vector
  • vector-fill! vec v
  • vector-copy! dst dst-start src [src-start] [src-end]

A box is like a single-element vector, typically used as minimal mutable storage.

  • box: create a box
  • box?
  • unbox: return the content
  • set-box! box v: return #<void>
  • box-cas! box old new: atomically update content from old to new, return #t. If does not contain old, nothing changed, and return #f.

From racket/vector:

  • vector-map
  • vector-append
  • vector-take, vector-drop
  • vector-take-right, vector-drop-right
  • vector-split-at, vector-split-at-right
  • vector-copy
  • vector-filter
  • vector-filter-not
  • vector-count proc vec
  • vector-argmin, vector-argmax
  • vector-member
  • vector-sort
  • vector-sort!

13 Hash Tables

  • (hash key val ... ...)
  • hash-set hash key v
  • hash-ref hash key
  • hash-has-key?
  • hash-update
  • hash-remove
  • hash-clear
  • hash-keys
  • hash-values
  • hash->list
  • hash-keys-subset? hash1 hash2: hash1 is a subset of hash2?
  • hash-count hash
  • hash-empty?
  • hash-union: require racket/hash

14 Sequence

Sequence is designed to be used with for. Not only list and vectors are sequence, hash table is also sequence. Dictionary and set are also sequences. List can also be dictionary type.

  • sequence?

Constructing sequences

  • in-range
  • in-naturals
  • in-list
  • in-vector
  • in-string
  • in-lines [in=(current-input-port)]
  • in-hash
  • in-hash-keys, in-hash-values, in-hash-pairs
  • in-directory [dir use-dir?]: It is depth first. The path are built, not individual components. If dir is not given, use current dir. If use-dir? with signature (path? . -> any/c) is given, it acts like as a filter of the results

15 Hash set (use racket/set)

  • set v ...: construct a hash set
  • list->set lst: construct from list
  • for/set
  • set-member?
  • set-add
  • set-remove
  • set-empty?
  • set-count
  • set-first
  • set-rest
  • set-copy
  • set-clear
  • set-union
  • set-intersect
  • set-subtract
  • set=?
  • subset? st1 st2: st1 is subset of st2?
  • proper-subset? st1 st2: strict subset
  • set->list
  • in-set

16 structure

struct id maybe-super (field ...) struct-option ...
field = field-id | [field-id field-option ...]

The struct form creates a structure type (unless #:prefab is specified), and some names (along with others). Now we use myid as the provided id:

  • struct:myid: the structure type descriptor, can be used in #:super option
  • myid: constructor, unless #:constructor-name option is specified
  • myid?: predicate procedure
  • myid-myfield: accessor procedure for each field

16.1 Field options

There are two available field options:

  • #:auto: automatic fields: the constructor does not accept argument for that field, the auto value by #:auto-value (defaults to #f) is used.
  • #:mutable: set-myid-myfield!: destructively update field. A mutable field is defined in one of two ways: defined for the fields with #:mutable option, or struct option #:mutable for all fields. Specify both results in syntax error.

16.2 Subtyping

You can specify super class in one of two ways: maybe-super or via #:super option. Specify both results in syntax error. Subtype will inherit fields, when initialize, initialize those parent fields first.

16.3 Structure options

  • #:mutable: same as set #:mutable for all fields
  • #:super: same as set maybe-super
  • #:prefab: means previously fabricated. Also known as predefined, globally shared. Such structure types are globally shared, and they can be print and read back. If it has a super class, obviously it must also be prefab. It is inherently transparent, and cannot have a guard or property. I.e. it cannot be used together with #:transparent, #:inspector, #:guard, #:property.
  • #:auto-value: supply one value for all #:auto fields
  • #:transparent: shorthand for #:inspector #f. All structures are by default opaque, thus the print out format does not show any information. If the structure is transparent, the print information can see the data. The equal? will also works by recursively compare all fields, while for opaque structures, this require to define generic method for equal?. However, the prints cannot be read back, to do which the prefab is required.
  • #:inspector specify an inspector. This is intended for use by debuggers. It is related to reflection, i.e. providing access to structure fields and structure type information.
  • #:guard specify a guard procedure, or just #f to turn it off. This is used to filter the arguments to constructor. It accepts n+1 arguments: the n constructor arguments, plus the name of the structure, and return n arguments that is actually used for construction. It is called "guard" in the sense that it can raise exceptions.
  • #:property: this can be specified multiple times for multiple properties. A property is associated with the type, not the instance. Subtype will inherit property, and can override it. The usage is TODO, and how to retrieve is also TODO.
  • #:methods: TODO


  • #:authentic
  • #:name
  • #:extra-name
  • #:constructor-name
  • #:extra-constructor-name
  • #:reflection-name
  • #:omit-define-syntaxes
  • #:omit-define-values

16.4 Generic Interface

require racket/generic.

First define the interface.

(define-generics printable
  (gen-print printable port)
  (gen-port-print port printable)
  (gen-print* printable [port] #:width width #:height height))

We are defining a generic id called printable. The gen:printable will be the transformer binding used when defining the structure. The followings are the methods that are supposed to be defined. Note: there must be a printable literally in each of these methods. It does not matter which position, but this particular position should be kept as the variable in your actual definition. The arguments are nothing new, including optional variable, default values, as well as keyword arguments.

Define the structure. To declare that this structure satisfies a generic interface, specify it in #:methods. It accepts two values: gen:name, and method-defs. You can supply multiple #:methods of course. Each of the def is a define of the function, very normal. Note that the variable that corresponds to the printable, by position, is the data object. Since there cannot be duplicate arguments, you cannot use this twice (this of course is not likely what you want).

There's a define/generic that has a fixed form of two arguments, local-id and method-id. The latter can only be one of these generic method. It is the form used to create a binding. Using just define cannot create this, because gen-print will not be in scope. And define/generic can only be used here. And interestingly inside a generic function, the gen-print is in scope, and can be bound by a let expression (why??).

(struct num (v)
  #:methods gen:printable
  [(define/generic alias gen-print)
   (define/generic alias2 gen-print*)
   ;; (define alias3 gen-print)
   (define (gen-print n port)
     (fprintf port "Num: ~a" (num-v n)))
   (define (gen-port-print port n)
     (let ([alias2 gen-print]) 
       (gen-print n port)
       (alias n port)
       ;; (alias2 n)
       ;; (alias3 n port)

Use like this:

(gen-port-print (current-output-port) (num 8) )

17 Multiple Values

values produce multiple values value, to consume that, typically use let-values, let*-values, define-values. Also, binding forms that can destruct values can also be used.

18 Exception

For now, I only care about how to handle exceptions. To do that:

  • call-with-exception-handler f thunk: (f ex)
  • with-handlers ([pred-expr handler-expr] …) body …+
  (with-handlers ([exn:fail:syntax?
                   (λ (e) (displayln "got a syntax error"))]
                   (λ (e) (displayln "fallback clause"))])
    (raise-syntax-error #f "a syntax error"))

Here's the hierarchy of built-in exceptions

  • exn
    • exn:fail
      • exn:fail:contract
      • exn:fail:syntax
      • exn:fail:read
      • exn:fail:filesystem
      • exn:fail:network
      • exn:fail:out-of-memory
      • exn:fail:unsupported
      • exn:fail:user
    • exn:break

To raise an exception, you can use:

  • raise: too general, don't use for now
  • error: raise exn:fail
  • raise-user-error
  • raise-syntax-error

19 Concurrency


  • Thread: all the threads are running parallel, but they run on the same processor.
  • Future: can utilize multiple processors


  • thread thunk: create a thread to run, and return immediately with thread descriptor. When thunk terminates, the thread terminates. Threads are managed in current custodian.
  • thread?
  • current-thread
  • thread-suspend
  • thread-resume
  • kill-thread
  • break-thread
  • sleep [secs=0]: cause the current thread to sleep. 0 simply hint other threads to execute (useful??).
  • thread-running?
  • thread-dead?
  • thread-wait thd: block until thd terminates
  • thread-send thd v
  • thread-receive: block until a v is ready
  • thread-try-receive: non-block version

Parameters are procedures, which optionally accepts one argument. If no argument, get the value. Given the arguement, set the value. This is like a global variable, thus suitable for a command line option storage. The parameters are local to thread, and sub thread inherit parent ones, but not shared. This means setting the parameter will not affect the parameter in other thead (including parent thread).

To make a parameter, simply:

(define aaa (make-parameter #f))
(aaa) ; => #f
(aaa 3)
(aaa) ; => 3

Parameters are often used by parameterize it in some content, instead of set directly.

(parameterize ([param value-expr] ...)
  body ...+)

Future (racket/future)

  • future thunk: return the future. It will not run, until touch it.
  • touch f: blockingly run the future f, and return the result. After touch returns, the results are still hold in the future. You can touch it again and retrieve the same result. Then, how to run in parallel? Create a thread to touch it??
  • current-future
  • future-enabled?
  • future?
  • processor-count
  • for/async (for-clause ...) body ...+

Places can also use multiple cores. Place enables greater parallelism than future, because it creates a new racket VM, and include separate garbage collection. Thus the setup and communication cost is higher. Places can only communicate through place channels.

20 IO

20.1 ports

20.1.1 General operation

  • eof: global variable
  • eof-object?
  • close-input-port, close-output-port
  • current-input-port, current-output-port, current-error-port: can be used to get/set the current
  • flush-output out: Input or output ports are both block-buffered by default. Terminal output port is line-buffered. This function cause the port to be flushed immediately

20.1.2 File IO

  • open-input-file path [#:mode flag]: return an input port. mode can be 'binary or 'text
  • open-output-file path [#:mode flag #:exists flag]: exist flag includes
    • error
    • append
    • replace: remove old file, create a new one
  • open-input-output-file path [#:mode flag #:exists flag]
  • call-with-input-file path proc: proc is (input-port? . -> . any). When proc returns, the port is closed.
  • call-with-output-file path proc
  • with-input-from-file path thunk: set current-input-port to file. As it is similar to call-with-input-file, the port is closed when thunk returns.
  • with-output-to-file path thunk

20.1.3 String IO

  • open-input-string str: create a string port using str
  • open-output-string: create a output string port
  • get-output-string out: read from a output string port. This should be used with the above method, specifically the out should be (and/c output-port? string-port?).

20.1.4 Extra

Requires racket/port. This is actually the most commonly used helpers. All of these have bytes counterparts.

  • port->string
  • port->lines
  • display-lines
  • call-with-output-string proc: proc: (output-port? . -> . any)
  • with-output-to-string proc: proc is (-> any)
  • call-with-input-string str proc: proc: (input-port? . -> . any)
  • with-input-from-string str proc: proc is (-> any)

20.2 Reading

  • read-char
  • read-byte
  • read-line
  • read-bytes-line
  • read: read a datum from an input port
  • read-syntax: like read, but produce a syntax object, with source-location information

20.3 Writing

  • write-char
  • write-byte
  • newline
  • write-string
  • write-bytes
  • write: write a datum so that it can be read back
  • display: write string without the quotes
  • print: this is pretty weird. The existence rationale is that, display and write both have specific output convention. But print has no pre-assumed convention, and the environment is free to modify its behavior.
  • writeln, displayln, println
  • fprintf out form v ...
    • out is an output port
    • form is a format string.
      • ~n: new line
      • ~a: display
      • ~s: write
      • ~v: print
  • printf form v ...: equivalent to fprintf (current-output-port) form v ...
  • eprintf form v ...: print to (current-error-port)
  • format form v ...: return the string

with racket/pretty

  • pretty-print
  • pretty-write
  • pretty-display
  • pretty-format

21 OS

  • (getenv name)
  • (putenv name value)

In racket/os

  • gethostname
  • getpid

21.1 Path

  • string->path
  • path->string
  • build-path base sub ...
  • absolute-path?, relative-path?
  • path->directory-path: from x/y to x/y/
  • resolve-path: follow soft link. Note that itself does not expand user path.
  • cleanse-path: most racket functions clean the path before use, unless it does not access filesystem (i.e. onlyl do a form checking). cleanse-path, expand-user-path, simplify-path are exceptions in the sense that they does not access filesystem, but will do cleanse. But what exactly cleanse does?
  • expand-user-path: a leading ~ is replaced by the user home directory.
  • simplify-path: nomalize as much as possible. I.e. remove
    • redundant path separators (except single trailing separator)
    • .., .
  • split-path: remove the last component (without consideration of trailing /, as we will see in the 3rd return value), and return 3 values (e.g. "aa/bb/cc/"):
    • base: aa/bb/
    • name: cc
    • must-be-dir?: #t
  • explode-path: split path extensively, the first one is root
  • path-replace-extension path ext: extension starts from the last dot. ext should lead by a dot. If no dot in the path, simply add it.
  • path-add-extension path ext [sep #"_"]: add the extension. If there's a dot in the path, the last dot will be replaced by sep.

From racket/path

  • file-name-from-path
  • path-get-extension
  • path-has-extension?
  • file-relative-path base path: how to do from base TO path
    • (find-relative-path "a/b" "a/b/c/d") returns c/d
  • normalize-path path: complete, expand (NOT expand-user-path, .. but what??), resolve soft links
  • simple-form-path: complete, then simplify. This is said to be used more often than normalize-path.

21.2 File System

  • find-system-path kind, where kind is
    • 'home-dir
    • 'temp-dir
  • find-executable-path program
  • file-exists?
  • link-exists?
  • delete-file
  • rename-file-or-directory old new
  • file-size: in bytes
  • copy-file src dest
  • make-file-or-directory-link to path: create path, link to to (soft or hard??)
  • current-directory get or set, this is a parameter
  • directory-exists?
  • make-directory
  • delete-directory
  • directory-list [path #:build build?]: list of all files or directories in path. path defaults to current directory, while build? defaults to #f. If #:build is #t, each of the results are built with prefix path. Note that this is not recursive, for that, use the sequence generator in-directory.

From racket/file:

  • file->string: this READs the file content to a string
  • file->value: READs a single S-expression using read. Seems that the file can contain more
  • file->list path [proc = read]: reads the file content with proc until EOF
  • file->lines: read into lines, without line separators
  • display-to-file v path: display v to path
  • write-to-file v path: write v to path
  • display-lines-to-file lst path [#:separator sep]: as name suggests, add line seperators
  • copy-directory/files src dest
  • delete-directory/files
  • find-files predicate [start-path]: start-path defaults ot current. Use predicate to filter what should be returned. Seems that this is recursive.
  • make-directory*: seems to be mkdir -p
  • make-parent-directory*: this is very convenient in making a necessary directory to write a file
  • make-temporary-file [template copy-from-filename directory]: create it, and return path.
    • template: "rkttmp~a"
    • copy-from-filename
      • a path: the created one is a copy of the path
      • #f: which is also default, create an empty file
      • 'directory: create a directory(!!!) instead
    • directory: #f, means use default temporary path (/var/tmp)

21.3 Networking

I'm not going to dig deep on this because I don't use it. Just listing available functions. Needs require

TCP (racket/tcp)

  • tcp-listen port-no: return tcp-listener?
  • tcp-connect hostname port-no: return input-port? output-port?
  • tcp-accept listener: return input-port? output-port?
  • tcp-close listener

UDP (racket/udp)

  • udp-open-socket
  • udp-bind! udp-socket hostname-string port-no
  • udp-connect! udp-socket hostname-string port-no
  • udp-send-to udp-socket hostname port-no bstr
  • udp-send udp-socket bstr
  • udp-receive! udp-socket bstr
  • udp-send-to*, udp-send*, udp-receive!*: non-block
  • udp-close udp-socket

21.4 Processes

  • subprocess stdout stdin stderr cmd arg ...
    • the command runs ASYNC, it seems that it will run immediately
    • If provided a port, it will use that. Otherwise (provide #f), it will create one, and get returned. The return value is exactly the same: subprocess? port? port? port? path-string? string?. #f means no, no matter as parameter or return value.
    • stderr can be 'stdout, in which case the corresponding return value will be #f
    • All ports returned must be closed manually
    • since the ports have capacity, it is possible to have deadlock
  • subprocess-wait: block until subprocess terminate
  • subprocess-status: returns either 'running or the exit code
  • subprocess-kill
  • subprocess-pid

In racket/system:

  • system cmd: execute cmd through shell command SYNChronously. Return #t for success, #f for fail
  • system* cmd arg ...: differ in:
    • execute directly instead of through shell command
    • obviously arguments are provided as arguments instead of in string
  • system/exit-code cmd: same as system, but the return is exit code
  • system*/exit-code cmd arg ...
  • process cmd: run ASYNC, through a shell, return (input port, output port, PID, stderr, proc). All ports must be closed manually. The procedure proc can accept one argument, and is used to interact with the process. The argument can be:
    • 'status: return one of 'running, 'done-ok, 'done-error
    • 'exit-code
    • 'wait: block until terminate
    • 'interrupt: send SIGINT
    • 'kill
  • process* cmd arg ...: like the difference of system* with system
  • process/ports out in error-out cmd: You can provide the ports (the return will be #f), or provide #f (the ports are created and returned).
  • process*/ports out in error-out cmd arg ...

21.5 CMD parsing (racket/cmdline)

The command-line macro actually parse the command line. The current-command-line-arguments is actually a parameter that returns a vector of strings. It is the cmd args that used to run the racket program. Thus command-line consumes this value. But since it is a parameter, you can access it as many times as you want.

All the arguments are actually keyword arguments, but they must appear in order, according to the grammar.

(command-line [name-expr] [argv-expr] flag-clause ... finish-clause)

The flag clauses can be:

  • #:multi: flags can appear multiple times
  • #:once-each: each flag can appear one time
  • #:once-any: one of the flag can appear
  • #:final: this is like #:multi, but no argument is treated as flag any more after it (means they are all left over)

Each of them will be followed by some flag-sepcs:

flag-spec ::= (flags id ... help-spec body ...+)
flags ::= flag-string | (flag-string ...+)
help-spec ::= string | (string-expr ...+)

Flags are equivalent, usually to supply -x and --longer-x. If help-spec is a list of strings, they are printed in separate lines.

The flag-clause can also be some general printing service, followed by strings to print

  • #:usage-help: this is going to be printed right after the usage of the command
  • #:ps: insert at the end of the help

Finish clause just use #:args arg-formals body ...+. It is intended to handle left over arguments. arg-formals can be just a single ID, in which case it will be a list of left over arguments. It can also be a list, which indicates how many left over are expected. The body are executed and the value of last is returned as the result.

A typical command line parser looks like this. It typically:

  • set parameters
  • print messages
  • return file lists
  (define verbose-mode (make-parameter #f))
  (define profiling-on (make-parameter #f))
  (define optimize-level (make-parameter 0))
  (define link-flags (make-parameter null))

  (define file-to-compile
     #:program "compiler"
     [("-v" "--verbose") "Compile with verbose messages"
                         (verbose-mode #t)]
     [("-p" "--profile") "Compile with profiling"
                         (profiling-on #t)]
     [("-o" "--optimize-1") "Compile with optimization level 1"
                            (optimize-level 1)]
     [("--optimize-2") ("Compile with optimization level 2,"
                        "which includes all of level 1")
                       (optimize-level 2)]
     [("-l" "--link-flags") lf
                            "Add a flag"
                            (link-flags (cons lf (link-flags)))]
     #:args (filename) filename))

22 Trouble shooting

22.1 racket cannot find browsers

Browsers are declared in sendurl.rkt, with

  (define all-unix-browsers
      ;; ...

chromium is not in the list, thus

(require net/sendurl)
unix-browser-list ;; empty
(send-url "google.com") ;; error

The trick is to create a soft link for chromium named "google-chrome". Also, the default is using firefox … So I need to make sure firefox is uninstalled. Is there a better way to configure browser??

The racket-doc will use the local racket document to search, thus in order for it to work, install racket-doc package.

23 Logger

  (define lg (make-logger))
  (define rc (make-log-receiver lg 'debug))
  (current-logger lg)
    (lambda () (let loop ()
                 (print (sync rc))
  (log-error "error")
  (log-fatal "fatal")
  (log-debug "just a debug")
  (require racket/logging)
  (let ([my-log (open-output-string)])
    (with-logging-to-port my-log
      (lambda ()
        (log-warning "Warning World!")
        (+ 2 2))
    (get-output-string my-log))